Würzburger Leise Reading Sample - Revision

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The Würzburger Leise Leseprobe - Revision (WLLP-R) is a performance test to record the reading speed (decoding speed ) in elementary school with the possibility of group implementation in class or individual examination.

Test design and area of ​​application

The test (present in the pseudo-parallel forms A and B) contains 140 items (or 180 items for grade 4). Each item consists of a word and four associated picture alternatives, of which the corresponding picture must be marked. The pure processing time after an instruction of 15 minutes is exactly 5 minutes, after which the processing is stopped. The result is reflected in the number of correctly solved items. WLLP-R is used as a group test for parallel performance assessment in primary school classes from grades 1-4, tests in the field of educational research and diagnostic examinations in individual cases.

Test quality criteria

The quality criteria of psychodiagnostic methods are met:

  1. Objectivity : Standardization in implementation, evaluation and interpretation.
  2. Reliability : The reliability according to the parallel test method is in the range .82 - .93 for the individual grades and in the range .76 - .82 according to the retest method (interval of 14 weeks).
  3. Validity : The validity is determined via correlation with other individual tests for recording reading performance, e.g. B. Diagnostic reading test for early diagnosis (DLF 1-2) and Bremen reading test, furthermore with the teacher's judgment and the grade in German.
  4. Standards : The table gives the percentage ranking standards and T-equivalent values for grades 1-4, are each a whole and separately by gender, determined by a standard sample of 2333 pupils.

Changes in WLLP-R (2011) compared to WLLP (1998)

In addition to a review of the quality criteria, the accompanying normative data were updated using a representative sample (N = 2333). As a content innovation, the images from the items in the form of hand drawings were replaced by standardized images. Because ceiling effects were partially observed for the fourth grade , the number of items for this grade was increased from 140 to 180. This means that separate test books are available for the fourth grade.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ W. Schneider , I. Blanke, V. Faust, P. Küspert: Würzburger Leise Leseprobe - Revision . Hogrefe, Göttingen 2011.
  2. P. Küspert, W. Schneider : Würzburger Leise reading sample . Hogrefe, Göttingen 1998.