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Size comparison of Jupiter and WASP-33b

Size comparison of Jupiter and WASP-33b
Constellation Andromeda
equinox : J2000.0
Right ascension 02h 26m 51s
declination + 37 ° 33 ′ 02 ″
Orbit data
Central star WASP-33
Major semi-axis 0.02558 AU
Period of circulation 1.21986967 days
Further data
diameter 1.438 D J
Dimensions <4.59 M J
distance (116 ± 16) pc
discovery SuperWASP
Date of discovery 2010

WASP-33b is an exoplanet discovered in 2010 that orbits the star WASP-33 (also known as HD 15082 , approximately 378 light-years away) at a distance of only 3 million km every 1.2 days (29.5 hours). With a mass of about 4 Jupiter, it belongs to the class of Hot Jupiter . With a temperature of 3200 K it is one of the hottest representatives of its kind. The surface temperature of the star is around 7400 K.

There are indications that the planet's narrow orbit makes the star pulsate. This would be a previously unobserved interaction of a planet with its central star.

The planet was discovered using the transit method.

Individual evidence

  1. Rainer Kayser: The hottest hot Jupiter. astronews.com, January 20, 2011, accessed January 20, 2011 .

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