Election graph

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Preliminary official final result of the 2005 Bundestag election as a bar chart

An election diagram is the graphical representation of election results or polls .

The votes received via the second vote are usually shown as bar charts with the respective percentage below. The distribution of seats between the parties in parliament is usually prepared as a semi-circle diagram, which visually corresponds to the seating arrangement in several plenary halls . When it comes to color coding, election diagrams are usually based on the political identification color of the respective parties.

The order of the bars mostly corresponds from left to right to the placement of the parties in the previous election and is therefore based on the order given on the voting slip , which is regulated in Section 30 of the Federal Electoral Act.

Web links

Commons : Election Charts  - collection of images, videos, and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. The Federal Returning Officer : Order of nominations on the voting slip - The Federal Returning Officer. Retrieved November 4, 2018 .