True God we believe you

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True God, we believe you , melody with organ accompaniment from: Organ accompaniment to the chants of the Roman Catholic. Church services. Published by CB Verspoell , Münster 1810

" True God, we believe you " is a Catholic hymn for the Easter festival group . Text and melody come from the Münster clergyman Christoph Bernhard Verspoell (1743–1818). The song is sung almost unchanged to this day. It is in several diocesan appendices to praise to God . It is used mainly at Easter and in funeral fairs , especially when the resurrection s office to be celebrated. Since the line “you are here with God and humanity” refers to the real presence of Jesus in the changed host, the song is also used during the worship of the Eucharist , e.g. B. at Corpus Christi processions, sung.


1. True God, we believe you,
you are here with God and humanity;
you who overcame Satan and death
who rose from the grave in triumph. Praise
yourself, you victor on Golgotha,
victor like no one, alleluia.

2. Jesus, everything shouts to you:
You are Lord of life and death.
Purified of guilt in your blood,
we rejoice again in divine grace.
Grant that we always go your way,
glorious as you rise from the grave!


{\ key f \ major \ time 4/4 \ autoBeamOff \ tiny a'4 g'4 f'4 f'4 bes'4 a'4 g'2 c''4 bes'8 a'8 a'4 bes '8 c''8 bes'4 g'4 f'2 \ break \ override Score.BarNumber #' transparent = ## t \ override Staff.Clef # 'break-visibility = ## (# f #f #f) g'4 g'8 g'8 a'4 a'8 a'8 bes'4 bes'8 a'8 g'2 a'4 a'8 a'8 bes'4 bes'8 bes'8 c ' '4 c''8 bes'8 a'2 \ break c''4 d''8 c''8 c''4 bes'8 a'8 bes'4 \ autoBeamOn a'8 (g'8) a '2 \ autoBeamOff c''4 bes'8 a'8 d''4 c''8 bes'8 a'4 g'4 f'2 \ bar "|."  } \ addlyrics {\ tiny \ set stanza = # "1." True God, we believe you, you are here with God and humanity;  you, who overcame Satan and death that rose from the grave in the triumphal;  Praise yourself, you Sieger - ger on Gol - ga - ta, Sie - ger like nobody!  Hal - le - lu - yes!  }

Source: T and M: Christoph Bernhard Verspoell, Münster 1810


  • Chants at Roman Catholic services, with attached prayer book , ed. by CB Verspoell, Aschendorff, Münster 1829: p. 55 , p. 56 .

Individual evidence

  1. GL 762 (Aachen), 767 (Berlin / Dresden-Meißen / Erfurt / Görlitz / Magdeburg), 795 (Bamberg), 746 (Essen), 782 (Fulda), 774 (Hamburg / Hildesheim / Osnabrück), 770 (Cologne) , 780 (Limburg), 780 (Münster), 818 (Mainz), 760 and 761 (Paderborn), 793 (Speyer), 805 (Trier), 779 (Würzburg)
    In the old Gotteslob (1975) it was under GL 870 (Aachen ), 822 (Berlin), 884 (Bamberg), 891 (Bozen-Brixen), 824 (Dresden-Meißen / Erfurt / Görlitz / Magdeburg), 840 (Essen), 827 (Fulda), 879 (Hamburg), 865 (Cologne ), 832 (Limburg), 930 (Münster), 851 (Mainz), 873 (Osnabrück), 854 and 855 (Paderborn), 868 (Speyer), 856 (Trier), 860 (Würzburg)