Perception report

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Perception reports are a special form of reports in Austria . These are regularly recurring or one-off reports on a specific event or topic.


Perception reports report on one or more specific problems that are perceived. The purpose of the perception report is:

  • To make information that is only accessible to a limited group of people available to a broader class in order to point out the problem named in the perception report and to provide remedial action by informing the public (printing).
  • To reproduce and disseminate information about a specific activity or task.

Both functions can also be combined in a perception report. Perception reports can, but do not have to be, directed to the public.

In contrast to journalistic reports , a perception report describes a fact or an action and gives the author an assessment.


Perception reports are created annually in Austria on various occasions. These can be created by private or public persons, authorities, chambers or other institutions.

The best known are the perception reports of the Austrian lawyers and those of the Austrian Court of Auditors .

According to Section 13 (2) of the Federal Minister for Education, Science and Culture's ordinance on the Monument Advisory Council, the Monument Advisory Council can add a perception report to its annual activity report. In this he can comment on fundamental issues relating to the protection of monuments and the preservation of monuments and point out any deficiencies or make recommendations.



  • Audit report of the Court of Auditors. The Audit Office reports to the National Council in accordance with Art. 126d, Paragraph 1, second sentence of the Federal Constitutional Law on the results of the audits it has carried out (8/2005 - GZ 860.037 / 002-E1 / 05),
  • Perception report by the Court of Auditors on the Austrian State Printing Office and areas of the energy sector,
  • Perception report on the administration of justice and administration in Austria for 2011/2012 by Austrian lawyers, published by the Austrian Bar Association,
  • Perception report from the Asylum Forum on the 2005 Aliens Law Package,
  • Perception report 2009 and 2012, health system under the microscope, the Austrian Medical Association ,
  • Perception report by social institutions on the development of poverty and the risk of poverty in the city and state of Salzburg. December 2008 the Salzburg Poverty Conference,
  • Perception report on aliens law. Documentation of the organizations active in refugee care - Asylkoordination, Caritas, Diakonie, Integrationshaus, Austrian Red Cross and Volkshilfe on their experiences with the changed immigration law in Austria.


On the occasion of the publication of the " Perception report on the administration of justice and administration in Austria for the year 2011/2012 ", published by the Austrian Bar Association, this was criticized for the first time. Although this report would criticize the administration, legislation and justice in Austria, it would not take into account the area of ​​the Austrian bar associations, which also perform administrative tasks ( self-administration ). Examples from 2012 with alleged grievances at an Austrian bar association are shown for illustration. The report would automatically become implausible if one's own area (administrative tasks of the bar associations) were not taken into account.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ÖBGBl II No. 572/2003.
  2. According to § 13 para. 3 of the cit. Regulation, the activity report and the perception report are to be "sent to the Federal Minister. Copies must be sent to the Federal Minister of Economics and Labor, the President of the Federal Monuments Office, the Federal Architects and Engineers' Chamber and the Art Senate. The activity report and the perception report can be made available to the public. "
  3. Also with the headline: " 39th Perception Report of Austrian Lawyers Reveals Deficiencies in Justice, Administration and Legislation " (website: or referred to as " 39th Perception Report for the year 2011/2012 " (name in the report itself) .
  4. ^ First perception report by a Liechtenstein lawyer on the 39th perception report of the Austrian Lawyers in Austria Press Agency (APA OTS ) dated December 14, 2012.
  5. The perception report also criticizes maladministration in the European Union , but the author of the criticism does not elaborate on this.
  6. Anton Schäfer in " Behaviors ... which are avoidable, in need of improvement or (perhaps) unacceptable. Reply to the 39th perception report of the ÖRAK ", published in Anwalt Aktuell , 1/2013, p. 8.