Wajeh Moshtahe

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Wajeh Moshtahe († January 14, 2009 ) was a Palestinian soccer player and former member of the Palestinian national soccer team . He also played for the Shajaieh club .

He died in January 2009 at the age of 24 when his home was hit by Israeli forces bombs during the military operation Cast Lead . National player Ayman Alkurd , former national player Shadi Sbakhe and member of the National Olympic Committee of Palestine Khalil abed Jaber were also killed in the course of the military operation .

Individual evidence

  1. Berner Zeitung : Three footballers die in the Gaza War (January 14, 2009)
  2. a b de.fifa.com: Blatter wants to donate "comfort in sad times" (January 16, 2009)
  3. Der Tagesspiegel : National players of Palestine killed (published in the printed Tagesspiegel on January 16, 2009)