Wakebe (clan)

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Wakebe coat of arms
Tombs of the Wakebe at Enkō-ji in Tsu City

The Wakebe ( Japanese 分部 氏 , Wakebe-shi ) were a family of the Japanese sword nobility ( Buke ) , which was derived from Fujiwara no Tokinobu.


  • Mitsuyoshi (光 嘉) received an income of 10,000 koku in Ise Province in 1592 .
  • Mitsunobu (光 信; 1591–1643) was transferred to Ōmiso (大 溝) in the province of Ōmi .

Since the Ōmiso castle was demolished according to the stipulation “Only one castle in each province” (一 国 一 城, Ikkoku ichijō), his descendants resided there in the former third castle area (三 の 丸, San-no-naru) in a “permanent house” (陣 屋, Jin'ya) with an income of 20,000 koku until the Meiji Restoration in 1868. After that, the head of the house received the rank of vice count.


  1. Today the district of Takashima .

Individual evidence

  1. Hashiba, Akira: Omiso-jinja in: Miura, Masayuki (ed.): Shiro to jinya. Tokoku-hen. Gakken, 2006. ISBN 978-4-05-604378-5 .


  • Edmond Papinot: Wakebe . In: Historical and Geographical Dictionary of Japan. Reprint of the 1910 edition. Tuttle, 1972, ISBN 0-8048-0996-8 .