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Waldreichenbach is a pilgrimage church belonging to Markt Buch with a restaurant.

Chapel and forester's house
War memorial

Geographical location

Waldreichenbach is five kilometers east of the main town near the source of the Hinteren Huttenbach, which joins the Vorderen Huttenbach to form the Osterbach (Biber) . The place can be reached via Christertshofen or Tafertshofen .


The pilgrimage church of St. Leonhard is Gothic in its core, but it has been rebuilt several times. The ceiling frescoes are by Konrad Huber . The building complex also includes a former forester's house, which has now been converted into a restaurant.


Up until 2011, a knight tournament was held every year in August in Waldreichenbach.

On the way to Christertshofen there is a war memorial with the inscription: During the Second World War (1939 - 1945), 2 German soldiers died here on October 25, 1944 - KSV Christertshofen 1986

Web links

Commons : Waldreichenbach  - Collection of images, videos and audio files