Walter Frieling

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Walter Frieling (* before 1914, † after 2010) was a German rugby player .


He was three times German champion at TSV Victoria Linden from 1951 to 1953.

Because of his achievements, the German President Theodor Heuss honored Walter Frieling on June 7, 1953 with the award of the Silver Laurel Leaf .

Individual evidence

  1. On the foot for 111 years: TSV Victoria Linden - the rugby record champion , Lindenspiegel 7/2011, PDF file, p. 3
  2. ^ The bearers of the Silver Laurel Leaf: Awards *) from July 1, 1950 to May 15, 1973 , German Bundestag, 7th electoral term, printed matter 7/1040 of September 26, 1973,, PDF file, p. 76, last accessed January 15, 2017