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WarCry is a CCG (Collectible Card Game), trading card game , which at the Warhammer universe from Games Workshop inspired. The game is operated by Sabertooth Games . The company closed in 2008 and the license for the game was sold to Fantasy Flight Games . The game was released in October 2003 and is one of the most successful trading card games with a fantasy background. After the edition "Veterans of Battle", which appeared only in English, the game was discontinued. The cards can be obtained from "booster displays" as well as "starter kits" and / or "booster". In addition, there are some "battle boxes" in which pre-made and ready-to-play decks are contained in deck boxes with artwork. Loyal fans communicate on the German replacement forum despite the closure of the manufacturer's forum (see links), and with the thousands of cards, fun is guaranteed for a long time.


WarCry is played in three rounds called battles. During a battle, armies fight different battles to determine the winner of that battle. The object of the game is to be the first player to win two battles.

The game revolves around two sides. The " Great Alliance " (high elves, empires, dwarves, Bretons and so on) and the " hordes of darkness " (dark elves, chaos, orcs, skaven etc.) There are also the regiments of mercenaries . You can only shuffle the cards on the respective side. But not the "good guys" with the "bad guys". Mercenaries are neutral and can play on either side. There are also so-called monsters . They do not belong to any faction, but are predominantly hordes of the Dark Units.

The game is played with two decks of thirty cards. The army deck and the action deck . Each card can be in a deck a maximum of three times. The thirty cards represent only the minimum of cards that must be in the deck. There can be any number of cards in the decks from thirty. The army deck contains the units and accessories. The action deck contains the orders given to the units. The deck is made up of tactics , reactions , commands and strategy cards.


There are four types of units: infantry , cavalry , aviator, and fortification . They have four values: the gold cost , the strength , the tactic points and the morale value . In addition, many units have macros and / or properties .


Accessories can be placed on units. They also cost gold. These include: weapons, items and armor. Only one addition per key term may be placed on a unit.

Game sequence

After both players have shuffled their decks, the top card of the action deck is discarded. At the bottom left of each action card there is a dice from one to six. The player with the highest throw decides who is the first to check. If the throws are equal, the dice are rolled until a clear result is determined.


Both players draw five cards from their army deck. The player with the highest throw decides who is the first to check. If the two throws were the same, then the dice are rolled again until a higher throw is determined. It is patterned alternately. The units cost gold, which can be seen in the upper left corner of the map. There are 20 gold available in the first battle. In the second battle there is 25 gold and in the possibly third battle 30 gold. It is patterned in two rows: the battle row (front) and the reserve (rear). Primarily one registers infantry in the battle line and the others in the reserve. If a player passes in the drafting phase, then his drafting phase is over and only his opponent continues to inspect until he also passes. At the end of the pattern phase you count the tactic points in the reserve. Whoever has the most points may have the first command. If both players have the same tactic points, then the first command is rolled. The player with the higher throw then gets the first command.


Scout is a static property that is printed on some units or accessories and is associated with a so-called scout value. (e.g. scout: 4) Each scout in the battle line increases the tactic point value of the reserve for the first command with his scout value.


Horror is a static characteristic (similar to scouting) on ​​units or attachments. Horror can also be added or increased via action cards. It reduces the opponent's moral value by its value. The enemy unit is more likely to fail morale tests and the unit is easier to wear off.


The player who has the first command can do the following with his command:

  1. He can announce close combat with a unit .
  2. He can announce a ranged combat with a ranged fighter .
  3. He can move a unit from the reserve to the battle line.
  4. He can play a command card / attribute or a strategy card.
  5. He can fit.
  6. He can announce a withdrawal .

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