Warpath (tabletop)

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Warpath is a science fiction tabletop game produced by Mantic Ltd. Warpath is set in a distant future in which humanity, now united by the corporation, competes with the aliens of the galaxy . The corporation pursues the goal of establishing contact with aliens and gradually integrating them into their sphere of influence, the so-called co-prosperity sphere, if necessary by all possible political and military means.

The game design comes from Alessio Cavatore, who used to work at Games Workshop u. a. Rules for the Lord of the Rings , Warmaster and Warhammer 40,000 games .


After the rules had already been available in a beta version on the Mantic website since 2010, the first miniatures of the Forge Fathers and Marauders factions appeared in November 2011. The miniatures for the Corporation and Veer-Myn have now appeared.

Miniatures and terrain

The miniatures are 28 mm in scale, which corresponds to about 1:60. Due to the usual tabletop scale, the miniatures can also be used in other science fiction game systems, such as. B. Warhammer 40,000 can be used. For the game, a table top with terrain equipment and an area of ​​1.20 × 1.80 meters is required, which must be made by the players themselves.


So far, four factions have appeared as miniatures, Forge Fathers, Marauders, Corporation and Veer-Myn. Further political groups have been announced.

Forge Fathers

The Forge Fathers Star Realm is closer to the center of the galaxy than that of the Corporation. They can still be found all over the galaxy. Small compared to humans, they are also referred to as dwarfs. So far, they are the only race that has been completely outside of the corporation's influence. Trading always takes place on the terms of the Forge Fathers. With the most advanced technology to date, the Forge Fathers have repelled any corporation invasion of their territory. No world of the Forge Fathers, or no clan, could be integrated into the Co-prosperity Sphere. The Forge Fathers exhibit social and physical characteristics commonly associated with dwarves in a fantasy world . They are short, strong, stubborn, steadfast, have a pronounced code of honor , are structured in clans and understand the blacksmith's trade. The latter results in their technological superiority.


Marauders are warlike beings that should be incorporated into the corporation upon discovery. The expedition responsible for this could not defeat the warring people. The corporation noted that the Marauders fight each other just as much as they do any other, as long as they pay someone to do it. She took the Marauders as auxiliary troops into their own armed forces and used them successfully in many campaigns. The Marauders, or Orx as they call themselves in their own crude language, turned against their old masters. Now they are roaming the galaxy, selling their warlike services to anyone willing to pay for them. In times of peace, they become its greatest threat. The orx exhibit social and physical characteristics commonly associated with orcs in a fantasy world. They are tall, strong, green-skinned, and simple-minded. Their social structure appears barbaric. The strongest naturally always takes the lead. The Marauders' favorite and only occupation is war. It does not matter who their violence is directed against.


The realm of the corporation is called the Co-prosperity Sphere and represents the realm of the people. The corporation tries to integrate every community they meet, whether human or extraterrestrial, into the co-prosperity sphere. The corporation initially promises economic and political participation in its wealthy society. She is not at a loss for any deception. If their offer is still not accepted, the corporation strikes with all military strength. Whether with or without war, the incorporated peoples always end up in poverty and servitude to secure the corporation's economic exploitation of the new territory.


The Veer-Myn (of . English vermin : insects ) have evolved from the rats that there is to be found in each ship. It is not clear whether they represent an experiment or whether they developed by themselves. However, the natural development of a rat to human size within 1000 years is considered unlikely. They live primarily underground and exhibit behavior commonly associated with rats. Their weapons are always related in some way to drills that allow them to crack the toughest of tanks. However, their technology is rather primitive. Militarily, the Veer-Myn are more impressive because of their mass.

Control system

Before the miniatures hit the market, Mantic published the rules. Players should test the new rules with their own miniatures in order to take advantage of the opportunity to continuously improve the rules through feedback. With the appearance of the miniatures in November 2011, Mantic ended the beta edition. The current version is called First Edition. Like the army lists, it can be downloaded from the website.

The length of the rules of 16 pages is rather small compared to comparable games.

In many ways one can find similarities with the Fantasy System Kings of War by Mantic, which was also written by Alessio Cavatore. So z. B. Individual miniatures of the units are not removed from the game. When a certain damage value is reached, the entire unit leaves the game. Previously, no property of the unit is modified due to the damage received. Individual figures have no properties, only the entire unit.

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