Blumenthal water protection area

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Blumenthal waterworks with clarifier for filter backwashing water (color from de-ironing )

The Blumenthal water protection area is a protected area in the city of Bremen and in the adjacent area of ​​the state of Lower Saxony , which is used to supply drinking water .

Protected area

The boundaries of the area were first established with the Water Protection Area Ordinance of 1986. On February 13, 2014, this ordinance was replaced by a new version. The boundaries of the protection zones were changed according to a hydrogeological report and the regulations were adapted to the legal situation. The two federal states involved have agreed on this. The ordinance for the area in Lower Saxony came into force in 2013. The protected area covers an area of ​​12 square kilometers in Blumenthal and 19 square kilometers in the Lower Saxony municipality of Schwanewede . Most of the tank farm in Farge, which has now been closed, is located in protection zone III.

Drinking water

Groundwater has been pumped and processed into drinking water at the Blumenthal waterworks since 1928. Due to the location of the surrounding settlement area at heights of up to 35 meters, the pressure in the water pipes must be increased accordingly. The 50 m high Blumenthal water tower was built for this purpose . The waterworks was taken after the incorporation Blumenthal in 1939 by the Municipal plants in Bremen and currently provided by the swb AG as the legal successor of Stadtwerke Bremen operated. The groundwater from the Blumenthal water protection area and the water intake in Vegesack is treated in the Blumenthal waterworks and mainly supplies the urban area north of the Lesum with around 100,000 inhabitants. The service covers around 20 percent of the city of Bremen's drinking water requirements.

Individual evidence

  1. Ordinance on the establishment of a water protection area for the Blumenthal waterworks of Stadtwerke Bremen AG of November 11, 1986., accessed on September 8, 2017 (wording of the first version).
  2. Ordinance on the establishment of a water protection area for the Blumenthal waterworks of swb Netze Bremen GmbH & Co. KG of February 6, 2014., accessed on September 8, 2017 .
  3. Senator Lohse: "Drinking water is our most important food"., accessed on September 8, 2017 (press release with a link to an overview map of the new protected area).
  4. drinking water., accessed on September 8, 2017 .

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