Wassili Konstantinowitsch Denissenko

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Vasily Konstantinovich Denisenko ( Russian Василий Константинович Денисенко ; born January 5 . Jul / 18th January  1915 greg. In Gossudarstwennaja , today Rajon Kirowski (Stavropol) ; † 18th October 1996 in Moscow ) was a Soviet officer .

After the Second World War he was a member of the Soviet military liaison mission in the British Army of the Rhine and then assistant to the military attaché in Finland . During his time as a military attaché in Bern (February 16, 1959 - June 22, 1964) he won the Swiss officer Jean-Louis Jeanmaire as an intelligence source for the GRU .

He retired in 1977.


  • Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Lurje, Valery Jakowlewitsch Kotschik: ГРУ: дела и люди. Olma, Moscow 2002, p. 234.

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