We Are What We Do

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We Are What We Do is an international movement organized by an independent not-for-profit company headquartered in London , UK .

We Are What We Do wants to inspire people to use simple, everyday things to make the world a better place. It is determined by the conviction that everyone can make a difference by making small changes in their attitudes and daily life and so the world can be changed together.

The movement was launched in September 2004 in London by David Robinson and Eugenie Harvey. For his idea with We Are What We Do and his work for the charity Community Links, David Robinson was awarded the Great Britons Prize in 2007: David Robinson has 30 years of experience in social work in one of the poorest suburbs in Europe (Newham in the East End of London ) and recorded his thoughts on civic responsibility in the essay "Unconditional Leadership". This concept, which says that basically everyone can take on responsibility and leadership, was also incorporated into the planning of We Are What We Do and the associated community program in Newham.

The basis of the movement is the book "Simply change the world", which was published in the UK in autumn 2004 ("Change the World for a Fiver") and in February 2006 in Germany. The book quickly became an international bestseller: over 500,000 copies have been sold around the world, more than 100,000 in Germany alone, and the second volume, "Simply changing the world at work", has now been published.

We Are What We Do is funded through the sale of these books. In the long term, the movement is to be founded as a social enterprise in various countries. We Are What We Do currently has offices in Australia , Germany and Canada . The idea is supported by a network of companies, institutions, governments, non-profit organizations and many individuals.

The starting point of the movement is Gandhi's saying : "Be the change you want in this world" and the actions in the books were created when citizens were asked: "What simple actions can you and a million people take to help?" Change the world? ". The long-term goal is to establish We Are What We Do as a global, social brand. However, a brand that stands for positive social change and social responsibility and pursues a social purpose instead of economic gains.

However, the governance of the organization is not particularly transparent. It is unclear what legal form is behind it, whether activists can have a say and how the income is distributed. International activities are planned, but the German-language website has been synchronized with the English-language website since autumn 2009.

Individual evidence

  1. community links
  2. ^ Biography David Robinson ( Memento from May 20, 2007 in the Internet Archive )

Web links