Welcome to the machine

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Welcome to the Machine is a song by Pink Floyd released on the 1975 album Wish You Were Here . It was written by Roger Waters . The sound is characterized by synthesizers and acoustic guitars.


The recording is based on the pulsating sound of an EMS VCS 3 synthesizer. At first, Waters wanted to play this part on the bass guitar. On the LP, the song ended the first page. David Gilmour had difficulty getting a high note in one place; therefore the tape was allowed to run a little slower when recording.


Music and lyrics are by Roger Waters.


“The only time we've ever used tape speed to help us with vocals was on one line of The Machine Song. It was a line I just couldn't reach so we dropped the tape down half a semitone and then dropped the line in on the track. "

“The only time we used the tape speed to help us sing was a verse from The Machine . It was a verse I just couldn't make it; so we reduced the tape speed by a quarter tone and then added the verse to the recording. "

- David Gilmour

“It's very hard to get a full synthesizer tone down on tape. If you listen to them before and after they've been recorded, you'll notice that you've lost a lot. And although I like the sound of a synthesizer through an amp, you still lose something that way as well. Eventually what we decided to do was to use DI on synthesizer because that way you don't increase your losses and the final result sounds very much like a synthesizer through a stage amp. "

“It's very difficult to get a full synthesizer tone on tape. If you hear it live and then what has been recorded, you will find that you have lost a lot. And while I like the sound of a synthesizer through an amplifier, you still lose something that way. In the end we decided to connect the synthesizer directly to the mixer, because a synthesizer sounds pretty much like a stage amplifier and the losses don't increase even further. "

- David Gilmour

Individual evidence

  1. a b c pink-floyd.org: Wish You Were Here songbook - 1975