World report on violence and health

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The World Health Organization (WHO) has for the first time a World Report "in 2002, violence and health presented". 160 experts from all regions of the world collaborated on this study for over 3 years. The report assumes that the experience of violence pervades all areas of life. "Violence is a global scourge that tears apart the fabric of communities and threatens life, health and happiness" (Krug et al. 2003, p. 1). This is a complex phenomenon. Violence must be tackled comprehensively and holistically with a special focus on public health (p. 4). With this reference to public health, the report understands violence as a social phenomenon that should be prevented through violence prevention .

In the foreword to the world report on violence and health, Nelson Mandela writes : "This report makes a major contribution to our understanding of violence and its impact on societies. It illuminates the different faces of violence, from the" invisible "suffering of society's most vulnerable individuals to the all-too-visible tragedy of societies in conflict. It advances our analysis of the factors that lead to violence, and the possible responses of different sectors of society. And in doing so, it reminds us that safety and security don´t just happen: they are the result of collective consensus and public investment "(p. 2).

WHO recommendations are based on multisectoral and cooperative action (cf. Mann , 2006. p. 89):

  1. Appeal for a national action plan
  2. Enhance the capacity to collect scientific data and promote research
  3. Promotion of measures for primary prevention and expansion of victim protection
  4. Support for measures in the context of social and educational policy
  5. Promote gender equality and social justice
  6. Improvement of the information policy about the chances of violence prevention
  7. Adoption of international treaties
  8. Supporting laws protecting human rights
  9. Combating global drug and arms trafficking


  1. Krug, Etienne G .; Dahlberg, Linda L .; Mercy James J .; Zwi, Anthony B .; Lozano, Rafael (Ed.) 2002. World Report on Violence and Health . Geneva
  2. Krug, Etienne G .; Dahlberg, Linda L .; Mercy James J .; Zwi, Anthony B .; Lozano, Rafael (ed.) 2003. World report on violence and health. Summary . Geneva
  3. Man, Bernhard , violence and health. Epidemiological data, explanatory models and public health-oriented recommendations for action from the World Health Organization (WHO) . In: Social Sciences and Professional Practice. Born 29/01/06. Pp. 81-91

Web links

WHO: World report on violence and health . October 3, 2002.