World Congregation for Priests of Kevelaer

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The World Priests Congregation of Kevelaer was a community of world priests in the diocese of Münster , which was founded in Kevelaer in 1854 by Johannes Bernhard Brinkmann and canonically established by Bishop Johann Georg Müller on June 16, 1854 . It existed until the Kulturkampf in 1875.


The aim of the community was to replace the Oratorian Congregation that existed in Kevelaer until the secularization in 1802 and to supervise the Marian pilgrimage to the Sorrowful Mother of God ("World Priests Congregation under the title of the Sorrowful Mother of God in Cevelaer"). In addition to pastoral care, individual members also took on teaching activities at schools. The community flourished quickly and spread to other places in the diocese of Münster, individual members were also active in other German places or abroad. The direction of the congregation was initially in the hands of the pilgrimage rector, later a director appointed by the bishop. It was divided into districts, each of which was headed by a praeses. Its first superior (president) was the founder and later bishop of Münster Bernhard Brinkmann, who was followed in 1856 by Gustav van der Meulen. In 1857 the laity who worked for the priests became independent as their own congregation of brothers ("Congregation of Brothers of Christian Love").

On May 16, 1865, the congregation received new statutes from Bishop Müller. The personnel scheme of the diocese of Münster from 1868 lists 76 members in ten districts by name, including three (later) bishops (Bernhard Brinkmann, Wilhelm Cramer as director and Johannes Boßmann as president of the district of Münster) and several cathedral vicars .

The congregation of priests was abolished in the Kulturkampf in 1875. The Congregation of Brethren remained unmolested because of its service in the nursing and still exists today as the fraternity of Canisians .


  • Augsburger Sonntagsblatt , Volume 19, January 2, 1859, p. 22; limited preview in Google Book search
  • Schematism of the Diocese of Münster , May 1868, Münster 1868, pp. 24–27
  • Pastoral sheet for the Archdiocese of Munich-Freising No. 46, November 15, 1866, pp. 174-176, 183 f .; limited preview in Google Book search


  1. Münster, Asperden, Billerbeck, Bocholt, Brochterbeck, Brüggen, House Hall (Gescher), Haltern, Kevelaer, Sonsbeck.