Wemdinger Schäfflertanz

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Schäfflertanz 2007 in Wemding
Schäfflertanz 2007 in Wemding
Customs at the Schäfflertanz

The traditional Wemdinger Schäfflertanz takes place every seven years. It is organized on a voluntary basis by the Wemdinger Schäfflervereinigung and was last performed in 2014 in several places in the old town. The dance consists of the figures “arbor”, “cross”, “snake”, “crown” and “traversing”. The performance also includes the “Gambrinus” enthroned on a wine barrel.


The custom goes back to the 16th century. After the terrible time of the plague , which had ravaged all of Europe, the Schäffler , the name for barrel makers, first dared to take to the streets again to encourage and bring joy to the rest of the population. This custom came to Wemding from Munich in 1870/71 . The nowadays rather rare tradition has been practiced regularly in the city on the edge of the Ries . The focus is on the 20 dancers with their book-bound bows and the crown bearer. Other actors are the Gambrinus (patron saint of brewers), who is enthroned on a man-high wooden barrel and is the symbol of the accomplished work of the barrel makers, the Münchner Kindl, which reminds of the origins of the dance, and billy goats, which give the dancers a seat among the crowds Provide dance.