Tropic of Capricorn

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Tropic of Capricorn (in the original: Tropic of Capricorn ) is the title of a novel by Henry Miller , published in Paris for the first time 1,939th The first German edition - translated by Kurt Wagenseil - was printed in 1953 (together with Wendekreis des Krebses ) in a one-off, limited and numbered edition of 1,500 copies; the second (revised) edition appeared in 1964.

To the work

After the Tropic of Cancer, this novel is the second great novel-like autobiographical report by Henry Miller.

It contains many autobiographical parts that trace Miller's life “in the gray street canyons of his youth” in New York to the Parisian years, in which his artistic breakthrough occurred. In addition, the book is a documentation of his artistic maturity.

The ruthless display of the grossly sex serves as a protest against the civilization pressure of his petty-bourgeois, Puritan origin milieu and as a means of expressing his hatred of the American way of life . Behind this, however, there is an unmistakable call to humanity.

Book edition (in German)

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