Kurt Wagenseil

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Kurt Wagenseil (born April 26, 1904 in Munich , † December 14, 1988 in Tutzing ) was a German translator .


Kurt Wagenseil completed an apprenticeship as an art dealer in a Berlin gallery after attending high school. During his regular stays in Paris and London, he established relationships with numerous British and French authors. One of his most important friendships was with Henry Miller , who had given him the German translation rights to his books early on . In 1935 Wagenseil, who had refused to go into exile in 1933 for personal reasons, was detained for nine months in the Dachau concentration camp because he had brought the anti-fascist Brown Book with him from a trip abroad to Germany; he was only released following the intervention of his British friend, the politician Harold Nicolson . - Until the end of the war, Wagenseil, who lived in Tutzing on Lake Starnberg , was a lecturer at Deutscher Verlag , the legal successor to Ullstein Verlag, which was bought by the NSDAP- owned Eher Verlag .

After Wagenseil had already translated a number of books from English and French in the 1920s, a number of other translations followed after 1945, including those of George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four and Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse 5 . Wagenseil's transmission of Henry Miller's major works, which had been published by Rowohlt Verlag since the 1950s, proved to be the greatest success .


  • Gladys Baker : My way to Damascus , Heidelberg 1954
  • Richard J. Barnet : After the Cold War , Munich 1966 (translated together with Heinz Kotthaus)
  • William Bast : James Dean , Munich 1957
  • Richard Berczeller : The seven lives of Doctor B. , Munich 1965
  • Hector Bolitho : Oyster Brevier , Stuttgart 1966
  • Paul Brickhill : Born to fly , Wiesbaden 1955
  • Henry Calvin : On the track of the doppelganger , Munich [u. a.] 1973
  • Louis Carl : Mysterious Tefedest , Hamburg 1955
  • Henry Carlisle : The journey to December 1st , Reinbek near Hamburg 1973
  • John Dickson Carr : The Doppelganger , Bern 1956
  • Richard Carrington : Three billion years , Munich 1957
  • John Cheever : The Citizens of Bullet Park , Berlin 1972
  • Len Deighton : SS GB , Vienna [u. a.] 1980 (translated together with Ursula Pommer)
  • Suzanne Desternes : Eugenie , Munich 1957
  • Eric John Dingwall : The Woman in America , Düsseldorf 1962
  • Robert Doisneau : Paris for connoisseurs , Munich 1957
  • Peter S. Feibleman : City without twilight , Munich 1959
  • Alain Gerbault : Alone across the Atlantic , Hamburg 1926 (translated under the name Curt L. Wagenseil)
  • Peter Goullart : The Black Lolo , Munich 1962
  • Shirley Ann Grau : The Condor , Reinbek near Hamburg 1972
  • Elizabeth Hamilton : The Holy Land Today , Munich 1960
  • Georgette Heyer : The murderer next door , Reinbek near Hamburg 1974
  • Hussein of Jordan : My dangerous life , Munich 1962
  • Robert Houghwout Jackson : State and Moral , Munich 1946 (translated together with Herbert Küsel)
  • Henry James : The pupil , Munich 1973 (translated with Angela Uthe-Spencker)
  • Joseph Kessell : Medical Councilor Kersten , Munich 1961
  • William Leonard Laurence : People and Atoms , Munich 1961
  • Mary Lavin : The Rebel , Munich 1962
  • Tai-yi Lin : Wilder Lilac , Munich 1969
  • Joachim Joe Lynx : Manolesco, King of Thieves , Munich 1964
  • Albert Maltz : The Cross and the Arrow , Berlin 1949
  • Albert Maltz: The underground stream , Berlin 1949
  • Hans Mann : South America , Munich 1961
  • Raymond Maufrais : Adventure in Guayana , Vienna 1955
  • William Somerset Maugham : The power of circumstances , Bern [u. a.] 1959
  • Daphne du Maurier : Career , Hamburg 1951
  • André Maurois : Nico , Munich 1958
  • André Maurois: Rosen in September , Munich 1957
  • Norman McGowan : Churchill private , Esslingen 1959
  • Tibor Mende : The Chinese Revolution , Cologne 1961
  • Henry Miller : Big Sur and the oranges by Hieronymus Bosch , Hamburg 1958
  • Henry Miller: The air-conditioned nightmare , Reinbek near Hamburg 1977
  • Henry Miller: Art and Provocation , Reinbek b. Hamburg 1960
  • Henry Miller: Laughter, Love, Nights , Hamburg 1957
  • Henry Miller: Nexus , Reinbek b. Hamburg 1961
  • Henry Miller: Obscenity and the Law of Reflection , Hamburg 1953 (translated together with E.-Charlotte Roland)
  • Henry Miller: Plexus , Hamburg 1955
  • Henry Miller: Black Spring , Hamburg 1954
  • Henry Miller: Sexus , Reinbek b. Hamburg 1970
  • Henry Miller: Quiet days in Clichy , Reinbek b. Hamburg 1968
  • Henry Miller: A devil in paradise , Reinbek b. Hamburg 1961
  • Henry Miller: The world of sex , Reinbek near Hamburg 1960
  • Henry Miller: Tropic of Cancer , Hamburg 1953
  • Henry Miller: Tropic of Capricorn , Hamburg 1953
  • Edita Morris : Melodie der Liebe , Munich 1957
  • Christian Murciaux : The big lot , Munich [u. a.] 1962 (translated together with Margot Berthold)
  • Josephine Niggli : Mexican Rhapsody , Berlin 1951
  • Kyle Onstott : Mandingo , Hamburg 1958
  • George Orwell : Nineteen eighty-four , Rastatt [u. a.] 1950
  • Olga V. Palej : Memories from Russia (1916-1919) and the power of Bolshevism , Hamburg 1925 (translated under the name Curt L. Wagenseil)
  • Laurence J. Peter : The Peter Program , Reinbek near Hamburg 1973
  • The Phantom of Marseille , Munich 1979
  • Felice Picano : Captured in Babel , Zurich 1981 (translated together with Heinrich Zweifel)
  • Ellery Queen : The missing picture , Munich [u. a.] 1958
  • John Russell: Paris , Munich 1960
  • Robert Sabatier : Lights from Paris , Munich 1962
  • Irwin Shaw : All the wealth of this world , Reinbek near Hamburg 1972
  • William Roy Shelton : The Russians in Space , Munich 1968
  • Elizabeth Lyttleton Fall : Harvesting the Storm , Munich 1960
  • Derek Tangye : My cat affair , Reinbek near Hamburg 1976
  • Arthur William Upfield : The Widows of Broome , Munich 1956
  • Gore Vidal : Death before going to bed , Reinbek b. Hamburg 1963
  • Kurt Vonnegut : Go back to your dear wife and son , Hamburg 1971
  • Kurt Vonnegut: Schlachthof 5 or The Children's Crusade , Hamburg 1970
  • Joseph Wechsberg : Red plush and black velvet , Reinbek b. Hamburg 1964
  • Wernher von Braun anecdotal , Esslingen 1972
  • Jon Ewbank Manchip White : The rose in a brandy glass , Tübingen 1966
  • Like from another star , Munich 1979
  • Geoffrey Malden Willis : Ernst August, King of Hanover , Hanover 1961


Kurt Wagenseil is occasionally confused with Hans B. Wagenseil (1894–1975), who among other things also worked as a translator from English.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Hans B. Wagenseil 1894-1975 on angelfire.com, accessed December 23, 2018