Elizabeth Hamilton (writer)

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Henry Raeburn : Elizabeth Hamilton, oil on canvas, 1812

Elizabeth Hamilton (born July 25, 1756 in Belfast , † July 23, 1816 in Harrogate ) was a British poet , writer and satirist .


Elizabeth Hamilton was the daughter of the Scottish businessman Charles Hamilton († 1759) and his Irish wife Katherine Mackay († 1767). After the early death of her father, she and her siblings grew up with their paternal aunt, Mrs. Marshall, in Scotland, near Stirling . From 1788 she lived with her brother, Captain Charles Hamilton (1753–1792), and helped him translate the Hedaya . Hamilton later lived in Bath , where she published the Memoirs of Modern Philosophers , a satire on admirers of the French Revolution , in 1800 . A year later she toured Wales andScotland ; after two years she settled in Edinburgh .

In the following years, Elizabeth Hamilton wrote more novels , essays and travel books . Numerous writings in narrative literature have established Elizabeth Hamilton's reputation as an important author. Due to her literary popularity, she received an annual pension of £ 200 from the British government in 1804 for her services to literature and to patriotism .

Much more important, however, is their religious and educational writings, which are based on belief in God. Trust in God and appreciation of the Holy Scriptures became increasingly important in Elizabeth Hamilton's life and determined her entire pedagogical literature, as is presented in the dissertation "Studies on the pedagogical ideas of Elizabeth Hamilton" (Aachen 1970).


  • 1796 Letters on Education, Essays on the Human Mind
  • 1796 Letters of a Hindoo Rajah
  • 1800 Memoirs of Modern Philosophers
  • 1801 Letters on the Elementary Principles of Education
  • 1804 Memoirs of the Life of Aggrippina, the wife of Germanicus
  • 1806 Letters addressed to the daughter of a Nobleman, on the Formation of Religious and Moral Principle
  • 1808 The Cottagers of Glenburnie
  • 1809 Exercises in religious knowledge, for the instruction of young persons
  • 1813 A Series of Popular Essays, illustrative of principles connected with the improvement of the understanding, the imagination and the heart
  • 1815 Examples of questions, calculated to excite and exercise the infant mind
  • 1815 Hints addressed to the Patrons and Directors of Schools


Web links

  • Joyce Goodman: Undermining or Building up the Nation - Elizabeth Hamilton .
  • Pam Perkins: Elizabeth Hamilton . In: The Literary Encyclopedia .
  • Elizabeth Benger: Memoirs of the Late Mrs. Elizabeth Hamilton (Google Book Page, English)
  • Klaus Hinz: Studies on the educational ideas of Elizabeth Hamilton . Dissertation, Aachen 1970
  • Literature by and about Elizabeth Hamilton in the catalog of the German National Library