Advertising patent

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An advertising patent , also known as an advertising contract or advertising capitulation , is the contract between a sovereign and an advertising officer commissioned with the advertising of soldiers . The signed certificate also served as proof of the authorization of the advertising officer to advertise. It applied to officials and subjects of the exhibitor.


In the advertising patent were u. a. set

  • the area in which the advertising should take place (advertising district),
  • the number of men to be recruited
  • sometimes also the size and age (minimum information) of the men to be recruited,
  • in the case of advertising in one's own country, sometimes the ban on advertising members of certain professions,
  • the bonus money that was to be paid out to the referred person immediately "in hand" as a commitment premium,
  • Place and time of the meeting of the recruited.

Example of advertising by Swiss travelers

Order of Duke Ulrich von Württemberg to recruit 6,000 men in Switzerland from August 12, 1518:

"After the Löuff genuinely rebelled at this time and we don't know whether the current Rychstag in Augspurg will end or not, we have also considered to look at us ourselves, so we will give you the feeling that you want us VIm [= 6 mille , 6,000] good servant and under the same also captains and fendrich inn of the aid association accept and order umb ain pay. If we will require Ir that they draw us the same pay, If we, however, Ir net require that we then act and also not syen guilty, to the extent that you would therefore accept and be ordered, from them you want to take notice beforehand whether or not our governor to do and dear Eberhard von Ryschach (so the Glychen beuelh of us had) also accepted them or dealt with you, so that no two action could be done, and one should accept the other and order error or prevention, you should then do something wol waist and we tell you the story of our opinion, dat stuttg. Dornstegg after laurentii XVIIj
To H. Albrecht von Landenberg Rittr
Dessglych to Eberhartten von Ryschach Vogt zu Tibingen "

In addition to advertising by commissioned advertising officers, the sovereigns occasionally issued general calls to their subjects (open advertising patent) to report to the troops.

Example of an open advertising patent

“By God's grace, We Eberhard Ludwig , Hertzog zu Würtemberg and Teck, ... the Roman. Kays. Majest. Like the H. Röm. Reichs General of the Cavalry, etc.

Fügen herewith to interrogate: Accordingly, with our regiments standing on their feet on foot from the last campaign, there are a few outflows of men, whose rapid re-establishment and recruiting are more necessary than the conjunctures of On all sides still appear to be rather wide-looking, therefore we are more than able to judge whether ours and the lands entrusted to us by God and the people of Huet and Defension have a high cause: however, the mode that is used in their application, through choice and loyalty As a result of which the Leuth has repeatedly been drawn into the militia with displeasure, also otherwise, contrary to our opinion, complaints and inequalities with failed, we no longer want to be decent, but we prefer to expose the free choice and will of everyone who out of love for us and his own fatherland under Vorermelte our regiments on foot want to recruit and enroll because then everyone, as previously mentioned, willingly surrendering himself, who did not want to get involved but for a certain time, he would be from our own subjects, or a foreigner and foreigner (if he was otherwise otherwise unsuspecting, and at war Service is suitable,) in addition to a considerable hand-money and gear, on our behalf the written, and with every Vogts-Ambts-Innsigel confirmed assurance will be given that after two years he will resign from the service upon request and get his farewell But since he should have the desire to continue in this, as it were as a new recruiter, therefore, at the beginning, given him new advertising money again, and fresh outfit should be purchased: As if we have such a thing bring this open patent to masculine science, and do not want to doubt in any way, at least our subjects will lead to their best among them Mild Prince. and Lands-Vätterlich's intention outside of such-Our most gracious ordinance, and consequently to promote it to your effect as much as it should be by others, to be concerned in every way: How we then, in order to excite you in this regard, still more Furthermore, the most gracious decree has been made that anyone who can find a man who is capable of this kind and will deliberately bring our officials to recruitment should be handed E in gulden from every Orths Ambts-Cassa for recompens and amusement: given under the princes printed for this purpose . Innsigel. Sturttgart the 21st January 1706 "

- Eberhard Ludwig H. z. W.


See also


  • Hans Delbrück: History of the art of war - Vol. 2 The modern times. 1st edition. Georg Stilke, Berlin 1920; New edition: Walter de Gruyter, Berlin 2000, ISBN 3-937872-42-6 .
  • Theodor Fuchs: History of the European Warfare - Part II: From the establishment of the first standing armies to the emergence of the modern national armies. Herold Publishing House, Vienna 1986.
  • Dr. August Ludwig Reyscher (Ed.): Complete, historically and critically processed collection of the Württemberg laws. Vol. 19.1 War Laws Part 1 1360-1800. Tuebingen 1849.

Individual evidence

  1. Reyscher 19.1, p. 13f.
  2. Reyscher, 1.9, p. 394f.