Jülich Research Center Fire Brigade

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Jülich Research Center Fire Brigade
Founding year: 1960
Employee: approx. 60

The plant fire brigade of Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH is an organized plant fire brigade . It ensures fire protection on the approximately 2.2 km² area of ​​the Jülich Research Center and its surroundings. In addition to fire fighting and technical assistance , she is also particularly active in the area of ​​preventive fire and hazard protection.

Active fire brigade

The active fire brigade members have completed vocational training (e.g. technical apprenticeship) that is useful for the fire service. They were then trained for fire service and especially for service in the plant fire service. In addition to their day-to-day work, firefighters have to take part in training courses in order to keep pace with technical developments and the changing fields of activity.


In 1960, the plant fire brigade was founded by order of the Aachen district government due to the reactors and institutes under construction. With the commissioning of the reactors on June 19, 1962, the regional president recognized the fire brigade as a plant fire brigade. At the time, it was determined that the plant fire brigade must be on site around the clock with 20 full-time employees (pull strength). Today the plant fire brigade is constantly present with 16 fire brigade members.

In 1970 a part-time unit of the plant fire brigade was established to support the full-time staff. The crew of this unit is about 30 fire brigade members.


The plant fire brigade at Forschungszentrum Jülich has modern and highly technical equipment. To the use of vehicles in addition to various include tank fire engines , crew transport vehicles and ambulances also a telescopic mast platform, an equipment trolley for breathing and radiation protection and other special vehicles (eg. As assistance tank pumper, foam trailer, used oil trailer).

Training and further education offers

In addition to the core tasks of the plant fire brigade, various training and further education courses are offered for employees at Forschungszentrum Jülich. This includes training for fire protection assistants, instructions on gas extinguishing systems and various training in breathing protection.

Individual evidence

  1. History of the plant fire brigade
  2. Vehicles and special equipment from the Jülich research center fire brigade
  3. Training and further education offers of the plant fire brigade of the Jülich Research Center

Web links