Westphalian document book

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The Westphalian Document Book is a collection of sources for historical research in the Westphalia region . It is published by the Historical Commission for Westphalia and now comprises eleven volumes. The first volume appeared in 1847.


  • Volumes 1 and 2: Regesta historiae Westfaliae. Accedit Codex diplomaticus. The sources of the history of Westphalia in chronologically ordered records and extracts accompanied by a document book. Edit and ed. v. Heinrich August Erhard .
    1. From the oldest historical news to 1125. With images of monograms and seals. Regensberg, Münster 1847. (Reprint: 1975, ISBN 3-87898-201-1 )
    2. From the year 1126 to 1200. With images of monograms and seals. Regensberg, Münster 1851. (Reprint: 1975, ISBN 3-87898-203-8 )
    3. Index to HA Erhard's Regesta historiae Westfaliae. According to the Dr. Ludwig Perger edit collected materials. by Roger Wilmans , Regensberg, Münster 1861. (Reprint: 1975, ISBN 3-87898-204-6 )
    4. Addimenta. Westphalian document book. Continuation of Erhard's Regesta historiae Westfaliae. Additamenta to the Westphalian document book. Edited by Roger Wilmans, place and person register by Eduard Aander Heyden, Regensberg, Münster 1877. (Reprint: 1975, ISBN 3-87898-207-0 )
    5. Supplement. Westphalian document book. Continuation of Erhard's Regesta historiae Westfaliae. Supplement. Arranged by Wilhelm Diekamp, ​​Delivery 1 (until 1019), Regensberg, Münster 1885
  • Volume 3: The documents of the Diocese of Münster 1201-1300. With special assistance from Ludwig Perger arr. v. Roger Wilmans. As an attachment: Index geographicus v. Ernst Friedlaender. Regensberg, Münster 1859–1871. (Reprint: 1975, ISBN 3-87898-205-4 )
  • Volume 4: The documents of the Diocese of Paderborn 1201-1300. Edit v. Roger Wilmans (until 1250) and Heinrich Finke . In addition to person and place registers, list of seals and glossary by Hermann Hoogeweg. Regensberg, Münster 1874. 1880. 1894.
  • Volume 5: The Papal Deeds of Westphalia up to 1378. Edited by Heinrich Finke , 1888.
  • Volume 6: The documents of the diocese of Minden from the year 1201-1300. (With person and place register and list of the described seals). Edit v. Hermann Hoogeweg. Regensberg, Münster 1898.
  • Volume 7: The documents of the Cologne Westphalia from the year 1200-1300. Edit v. State Archives Münster. Regensberg, Münster 1901–1908.
  • Volume 8: The documents of the diocese of Münster from 1301–1325. Edit v. Robert Krumbholtz . Regensberg, Münster 1908–1913.
  • Volume 9: The documents of the Diocese of Paderborn 1301-1325. Edit v. Joseph Prince .
    1. 1301-1310. Regensberg, Münster 1972, ISBN 3-7923-0348-5 .
    2. 1311-1315. Aschendorff, Münster 1978, ISBN 3-402-05954-1 .
    3. 1316-1320. Aschendorff, Münster 1982, ISBN 3-402-05994-0 .
    4. 1321-1325. Aschendorff, Münster 1986, ISBN 3-402-05996-7 .
    5. Register, supplements, seal plates. Münster Aschendorff 1993, ISBN 3-402-06691-2 .
  • Volume 10: The documents of the Diocese of Minden 1301/1325. Edit v. Robert Krumbholtz. Aschendorff, Münster 1940 (2nd combined and supplementary edition obtained from Joseph Prinz. Aschendorff, Münster 1977, ISBN 3-402-05955-X )
  • Volume 11: The documents of the Cologne Westphalia 1301–1325. Edit v. Manfred Wolf. T. 1 - 3. Aschendorff, Münster 1996-2005.
    1. 1301-1310. 1996, ISBN 3-402-06692-0 .
    2. 1311-1320. 1999, ISBN 3-402-06693-9 .
    3. 1321-1325; Indices. 2005, ISBN 3-402-06694-7 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Westfälisches Urkundenbuch Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe, Historical Commission for Westphalia I.