Resistance group G

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The resistance group G was a group of Communist youths in Stuttgart . Together with other young people throughout Württemberg, she resisted the Nazi regime .

Fritz Brütsch, the head of the group, was arrested in December 1934, but gave no information about the group to the Gestapo . In March 1935, two members of the group painted the “ Rossbändiger ” statues in the palace gardens with slogans. As one member wanted to watch the crowd after the action, the police arrested them and then interrogated them. In the course of the investigation, other members of the group were identified through material found during the search of his home and ultimately all members of the Stuttgart group were arrested. On March 16, 1936, they were tried and all adult members of the group were sentenced to prison terms , and one member who was only 14 years old was sentenced to prison.


  • Fritz Kaspar: Hanna, Kolka, Ast and others. Stuttgart youth against Hitler. Silberburg Verlag , Stuttgart / Tübingen 1994.
  • Willi Bohn : Stuttgart: Secret! A documentary report. Röderberg-Verlag , Frankfurt / Main 1969.