Vienna divorce fair

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The Vienna divorce fair took place under the motto “Start your life again” on October 27th and 28th, 2007 in Vienna and was the world's first such event on the subject of divorce .

The reason for the divorce fair in Vienna was the increasing number of marriages in Austria (around 50 percent of marriages are divorced across Austria , in Vienna even around 65 percent).

The approximately 20 exhibitors at the Hotel Marriott included real estate companies , a detective agency , but also partner agencies , stylists and the Archdiocese of Vienna . Lectures given by lawyers and mediators dealt with marriage and divorce law, welfare and questions of alimentation .

People affected by divorce were the target group. In terms of public success, the fair was unable to meet the expectations placed on it.

Meanwhile, on May 17 and 18, 2008, the second divorce fair was held in Vienna. This fair has now been imitated in the USA, Germany, Belgium and Poland.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Harry Rosenbaum: Bake bake wedding dreams. In: Saiten Ostschweizer Kulturmagazin. January 16, 2014, accessed February 9, 2014 .