William Cadogan

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William Cadogan c. 1769

William Cadogan (* 1711 ; † February 26, 1797 in London ) was an English doctor.


The place of birth is not known; London or Cowbridge in Glamorganshire are possible . Cadogan practiced and died in London. Cadogan was the first doctor to advocate the complete abolition of diapers . In his treatise "An Essay upon Nursing and the Management of Children, from their Birth to Three Years of Age" from 1748, he rejected the tight integration of babies, which was widespread at the time, and described his conception of contemporary care for small children. Cadogan later became director of the Foundling Hospital , a London orphanage. In 1771 his most popular work "A Dissertation on the Gout" , a treatise on gout, appeared .

Major works

  • Cadogan, William (1748). An essay upon nursing and the management of children. London.
  • Cadogan, William (1771). A dissertation on the gout and all chronic diseases jointly considered as proceeding from the same causes. What these causes are and a rational and natural method of care proposed. Addressed to all invalids by William Cadogan, Fellow of the College of Physicians. London.


  • Dunn, Peter M. (1992). Dr William Cadogan (1711-1797) of Bristol and the management of infants. In: Archives of Disease in Childhood , 67, pp. 72-73.
  • Morwenna Rendle-Short, John Rendle-Short: The Father of Child Care: Life of William Cadogan (1711–1797) , John Wright & Sons, Bristol 1966, reprint 2013, Elsevier, ISBN 978-1-4832-2667-5 . ( Partial preview online )
  • John Rendle-Short: William CADOGAN, eighteenth-century physician. In: Medical history. Volume 4, October 1960, pp. 288-309, PMID 13740829 , PMC 1034557 (free full text).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Morwenna Rendle-Short, John Rendle-Short: The Father of Child Care: Life of William Cadogan (1711–1797) , John Wright & Sons, Bristol 1966, new edition 2013, Elsevier, p. 7, available in googlebooks online
  2. See Rendle-Short (1960), p. 288.
  3. See Dunn (1992), p. 73.