William Vivanco

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William Vivanco (* 1975 in Santiago de Cuba ) is a singer-songwriter of the youngest generation of the Nueva Trova .

His music is influenced by pop , rock reggae , bossa nova , blues and rap without foregoing Cuban references. Short appearances in the film Música cubana and on the CDs of Interactivo and Telmary do not show the full breadth of his singing style, which includes onomatopoeia, rhythmic noises and textless passages (as in the award-winning video "Cimarrón").

In his own publications, his poetically rebellious texts on specifically Cuban topics such as the semi-mythical cimarrones or the students' harvesting activities come into their own.

He toured abroad in 2004 to France and 2007 to the Netherlands.

Publications under his own name

  • 2002: Lo tengo to 'pensa'o (Bismusic)
  • 2006: La isla milagrosa (EGREM)
  • 2009: El mundo está cambia'o (Naïve)

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