Willy Benthien

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Willy Benthien (around 1860 - after 1913 ) was a stage actor .


He began his acting career in 1881 in Aschersleben, then came to Essen in 1883, Aachen 1884, Freiburg 1885, to Hamburg at the Stadttheater from 1886 to 1889, Breslau Praise Theater from 1890 to 1891 and was then hired for the Stadttheater in Cologne, where he continued until at least 1902 worked in the field of young lovers and nature boys. He was later engaged in Riga and Regensburg.

His further life is unknown.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Deutsches Bühnen-Jahrbuch: Theatergeschichtliches year and address book, Volume 18. 1907, p. 549.
  2. ^ New Theater Almanac, born in 1913.