Galkan winter sports center

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The Galkan Winter Sports Center is an ice rink in the Turkmen capital, Ashgabat . It was opened in 2014 and has a capacity of 630 spectators. The ice rink serves as the home stadium of the nationally very successful team HC Galkan .

Building history

The Galkan Winter Sports Center is an expression of the growing popularity of ice hockey in Turkmenistan. The stadium was built by a Turkmen company and is located on the premises of the Ministry of Interior. Turkmenistan's President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow opened the hall on the occasion of World Health Day on April 7th . At the opening, among other things, young figure skaters appeared and some ice hockey games between clubs from Azgabat were played. On this occasion, the Belarusian ambassador Oleg Tabanuhov was a guest, who arranged closer cooperation with the Turkmen president in the fields of economy, humanitarian affairs and especially in sport.

Individual evidence

  1. Frank Bröker: Our world is one disc: international ice hockey .
  2. Golden age. Retrieved June 8, 2019 .