Business letter

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The term business letters describes all - regularly appearing - information offers especially for responsible persons from the economy . It is characteristic that experts offer specialist articles from their respective subject area to the generalists as a compendium .


In particular, entrepreneurs in small and medium-sized companies must have a wide range of specialist knowledge in order to be able to control the company economically and to develop positively. Since numerous relevant factors are constantly changing in many economically relevant disciplines, which can also lie outside the core business area, it is often not possible to keep up with the times in all relevant areas. This is where business letters begin. In it, experts from their respective specialist areas put together the most important things, primarily for generalists. In this way, the latter can absorb an essence of the fragments of knowledge that are important to them with a manageable effort.

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All common media are used for distribution. There are mainly print editions , CD-ROMs , online newsletters and internet articles.


So-called client letters or customer letters are often similar in structure and structure. In terms of their orientation, however, these are not aimed at entrepreneurs, but rather at corporate customers.

See also