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Wischiwaschi is the colloquial , often derogatory term for confused talk, the meaning of which is not clear to the listener. Cross-meaning, the word is also used for things that appear imprecise or superficial.

Etymologically, 'Wischiwaschi' is derived from the two word components 'Wisch' ('writing') and 'waschen' ('to chat'), whereby the similarity to the German word 'Gewäsch' cannot be overlooked. There is a reference to the English language ; there the noun wish-wash is just as present as the adjective wishy-washy , which has several meanings here, such as “ weakness of character”, “lack of taste”, general “weakness”, the “wateriness” of drinks, but also “lax "," Limp "," thin "or" bland ".


Web links

Wiktionary: Wischiwaschi  - explanations of meanings, word origins , synonyms, translations
Wiktionary: wishy-washy  - explanations of meanings, word origins , synonyms, translations