Vladimir Lvovich Karpov

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Vladimir Lvovich Karpov ( Russian Владимир Львович Карпов ; * 1907 in Moscow ; † 1986 ibid) was a Russian chemist , technologist and professor. He is considered to be one of the founders of radiation chemistry in the Soviet Union .


As the son of the chemist Lev Jakowlewitsch Karpow and his wife Anna Samoilowna Karpowa , Vladimir Lvowitsch Karpow was taught at home, where Boris Pasternak was one of his teachers. In 1931 Karpov graduated from the Dmitri Mendeleev University of Chemical and Engineering in Russia . He worked at the Research Institute for Synthetic Fibers until 1935, after which he began to work at the Karpow Institute for Physical Chemistry . From 1954 to 1959 he was deputy director for scientific work, from 1956 to 1981 head of the laboratory for nuclear polymer chemistry and from 1981 a consultant. He was one of the initiators for the establishment of the Obinsk branch and was deputy director for scientific work at the Obinsk branch of the institute from 1959 to 1971. In 1969 he received the State Prize of the USSR .

Karpov studied the processes that are caused by the effect of radiation on polymers . He discovered the radiation crosslinking of polymers and the processes of structure formation of crystalline polymers. Under Karpov's direction, radiochemical technologies were developed to convert modified wood fibers, polyethylene , foamed materials and heat-shrinkable materials.

He is buried in the Novodevichy Cemetery.


  • Финкель, Эдуард Эммануилович, Карпов, Владимир Львович, Берлянг, Семен Михайлович: Технология радиационного модифицирования полимеров (The technology of change of polymers using radiation) . Энергоатомиздат, Moscow 1983.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Г. Г. Кривошеина: Карпов, Владимир Львович . In: С. О. Шмидт (Ed.): Московская Энциклопедия, Том 1 - Лица Москвы . tape 2 . Фонд Московские энциклопедии, 2008, ISBN 978-5-903633-01-2 , p. 125 .
  2. Могила В. Л. Карпова. Retrieved January 18, 2019 .