Housing Welfare Fund

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The Housing Welfare Fund is a fund founded in Austria-Hungary in 1910 to promote the construction of small apartments by public corporations, self-governing bodies and non-profit building associations for the " improvement of the living conditions of the less well-off population".

The fund was fed from income from building tax , made low-interest capital available ( loan granting, direct fund loans) and assumed loan guarantees ( sureties , indirect loan assistance) for municipalities, districts, (non-profit) building companies, cooperatives, associations, foundations and the like for the purpose of building small apartments. The corporations' own funds share was 10%.

As a small apartment there were family homes with up to 80 m², Single homes with small apartments with 1 to 3 rooms and sleeping and lodging houses with dormitories for single people standing. The houses had to “ meet the requirements of healthy and cheap people's housing in terms of construction, sanitary and moral standards”. The fund also defined profitability parameters for the residential buildings supported by the fund: The living space of the house had to be at least 2/3 of the total habitable area of ​​the house.

Individual evidence

  1. cf. Meldemannstrasse men's dormitory
  2. cf. Degree of structural use


  • Reichsgesetzblatt: 242nd law on the establishment of a housing welfare fund, December 30, 1910.
  • Peter Eigner, Herbert Matis, Andreas Resch: Social housing in Vienna. A historical inventory , in: Yearbook of the Association for the History of the City of Vienna 1999, ed. from the Association for the History of the City of Vienna, Vienna 1999, pp. 49–100.
  • Alena Janatková, Hanna Kozińska-Witt: Living in the Big City 1900 to 1938 : Housing Situation and Modernization in European Comparison , Franz Steiner Verlag, 2006.