Wolfgang Boenigk

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Wolfgang Boenigk (* 1939 ) is a German geologist . He was a professor at the Geological Institute of the University of Cologne (Quaternary Geology Department).

In his 30 years at the Geological Institute of the University of Cologne, he shaped and advanced quaternary geological research. On the occasion of his 60th birthday, a commemorative publication was published that honors Wolfgang Boenigk's versatile life's work.


Boenigk is the author of numerous publications on the subject of Quaternary geology.


References and comments

  1. Becker-Haumann, R & Frechen, M (Ed.) (1999): Terrestrische Quartärgeologie. - XVI, 475 p .; Cologne (Logabook) ISBN 3-934346-03-0
  2. E&G Quaternary Science Journal (EGQSJ) , eg-quaternary-science-journal.net
  3. Wolfgang Boenigk's research while affiliated with University of Cologne and other places , researchgate.net