Wolfgang Eick

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Wolfgang Eick (born August 18, 1952 in Herford ) is a German lawyer and was chairman of the 7th civil senate of the Federal Court of Justice until he retired .


Wolfgang Eick was born in 1952; He was a judge and public prosecutor in Würzburg, full-time working group leader for trainee lawyers in Würzburg, judge at the Bamberg Higher Regional Court and Vice President of the Bamberg Regional Court. Since 2007 he has been a member of the u. a. VII Civil Senate of the BGH responsible for construction matters; he was also the press spokesman for the Federal Court of Justice in civil matters from 2008 to 2012; from 2012 he was deputy chairman of the VII Civil Senate. He retired on February 28, 2018.

Speaker activity

Since 2008 Wolfgang Eick has been giving lectures for various organizers, including a. for the DAV and DAA, the German Society for Construction Law, the ARGE Construction Law, the ARGE Tenancy Law and Real Estate in the DAV, the ESWiD, the Evangelical Federal Association for Real Estate.


Wolfgang Eick is considered a moderate reformer. His previous activity as chairman of the VII Civil Senate of the Federal Court of Justice seems to indicate that Wolfgang Eick is trying to cautiously re-establish the case law in construction matters, which was developed under his predecessors in essential questions into a special subject that is only mastered by building law experts attributed more to general principles of civil law.

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