Volodymyr Yermolenko

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Volodymyr Anatolijowytsch Jermolenko , ( Ukrainian Володимир Анатолійович Єрмоленко ; scientific transliteration Volodymyr Antalolijovyč Jermolenko ; born March 18, 1980 , Kiev ) is a Ukrainian philosopher and essayist.


Volodymyr Yermolenko was born in 1980 in Kiev, the son of the philosopher Anatolij and his wife Tat'jana Schyryk. He studied at the National University of Kiev-Mohyla Academy , where he finished his studies in Budapest in 2002 at the Central European University . Here he met the political scientist Ivan Krastev , among others . In 2009 he received his doctorate in Kiev with his philosophical dissertation on "Modernity and anti-modernism in Walter Benjamin's cultural philosophy". In 2011 he received his doctorate with his political science dissertation on "Two epochs of counter-revolutionary philosophy: Counterrevolutionary thinking in France (1789-1830) and in Russia (1905-1939)" in Paris at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) . Since then he has been teaching at the Mohyla Academy. At the same time, he is a very committed expert at the NGO "Internews Ukraina", which accompanies and implements projects and initiatives of the European Union in Ukraine, and in this role regularly travels to Europe seminars in Ukraine. Jermolenko is married to the cultural scientist Tetjana Oharkova, with whom he has three daughters.


Jermolenko has mainly devoted himself to the conflict between modern and anti-modern. "Individuality", "Freedom", "Renewal" and "Criticism" are his subject areas. Along with Konstantin Sigov and Iryna Slawinska, he is one of the smaller group of francophile Kiev scholars. After familiarizing the Ukrainians with the world and the work of the philosopher and flaneur Walter Benjamin , he began to devote himself above all to the French master thinkers in the past and present. Since studying in Paris he has been friends with several contemporary French philosophers and sociologists. In the form of essays he brings these and other important thinkers of the 20th century closer to the intellectual Ukrainian audience. At the latest in the times of the Euromajdans , he became known as a blogger on Facebook. His essays have been published since 2001 in magazines such as “Krytyka” and “Korydor”. Interviews and articles appeared in well-known Western European daily newspapers. His texts have been translated into Russian, Polish, Czech, French, English, German and Dutch. His essay volume from 2015 characterizes his mediating hermeneutic perspective, “Daleky blis'ky”, “Far Next”. The great thinkers are presented as topical in their basic questions in a biographically approaching approach. In 2017 he published his first novel “Ocean Catcher - The Story of Odysseus”, in which Odysseus made his return trip from Ithaca to Troy and turned out to be an early flaneur. Jermolenko has been head of the “Ukraine / World” media project since 2019.


  • Yury Shevelov Prize of the Ukrainian PEN Club for Плинні ідеології (2018)


Independent publications

  • Модерн та антимодерн у філософії культури Вальтера Беньяміна (Modern and anti-modern in Walter Benjamin's cultural philosophy). Diss. Kiev 2008.
  • Deux époques de la philosophie contre-révolutionnaire: la pensée contre-révolutionnaire en France (1789-1830) et en Russie (1905-1939): une étude comparative. Diss. Paris 2011.
  • Оповідач і філософ - Вальтер Беньямін та його час (narrator and philosopher. Walter Benjamin and his time). Kiev 2011.
  • Далекі близкі (Far Nearest). Lviv 2015.
  • Плинні ідеології. Ідеї ​​та політика в Європі ХІХ-ХХ століть (Flooding Ideologies. Ideas and Politics in Europe from the 19th to the 20th Century). Duch i Litera, Kiev 2018.


  • Ocean fisherman (Ловець океану: Історія Одіссея). L'viv 2017.



Important articles have appeared in the magazines “Krytyka” and “Korydor”, see the bibliography in the Ukrainian version of this article.

  • Dreams of Europe (Original: Мрії про Европу, in: Krytyka XVII 11-12 (193-194) / 2013, 10-11), engl. http://www.eurozine.com/articles/2014-02-06-yermolenko-en.html
  • Des ours et des hommes. L'Ukraine et la Russie dans la politique mondiale, in: Ukraine. Une terra incognita en Europe. Dossier special dirigé par Galia Ackermann of the magazine "La Règle du Jeu" 25, 57 (2015) 73-86.
  • Russia, Zoopolitics, and information bombs, in: Andrew Wilson (ed.), What Ukraine thinks ?. OO [London] 2015, 72-79.

Ukrainian translation

Hans Jonas, Pryncyp vidpovidal'nosti (Г. Йонас, Принцип відповідальності. У пошуках етики для технологічної цивіїл =із Jonачної цивіїл =із Jonачної цивіїл =із Jonas. Kiev 2001 (together with Anatolij Jermolenko)


Individual evidence

  1. Ukraine / World editorial team