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The WordNet is a since 1985 at the Cognitive Science Laboratory of Princeton University developed lexical-semantic network of English.

WordNet consists of a database that contains semantic and lexical relationships between words. These are designed according to psycholinguistic knowledge, as WordNet was originally developed to make natural language texts understandable for computers. The database, which is freely searchable and available free of charge with software, is also used for other purposes.

In contrast to this, the German-language GermaNet, which is analogous to WordNet, is not freely available. Therefore, the alternative is to use WordNet translations, which are available, for example, in the multilingual database BabelNet. OpenThesaurus is a similar project, but its objective is somewhat more modest (as a thesaurus for a word processor; only istEin-Relation ; synonym groups are shown). However, OpenThesaurus is available under a free license .

With the Open-de-WordNet initiative , there has been an initiative since the beginning of 2017 to expand the “Multilingual Open Word Initiative” with a German component.

See also


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://babelnet.org/about
  2. http://multilingual-knowledgebase-completion.blogspot.de/p/abstract-of-thesis.html
  3. ^ Open DE WordNet Initiative. Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences , 2017, accessed on September 28, 2017 .