World Full Contact Organization

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The World Full-Contact Organization (WFO) is an international martial arts and martial arts organization . It offers a wide range of training, graduation opportunities, licenses, championships and all related services in this area for Kickboxing , Ju-Jitsu , Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu , Judo , Taekwon-Do , Karate , Sambo (Combat-Sambo), Wing Chun and other styles.

The organization was formerly called the International Fighting Organization (IFO), which was founded in 1968 in Tampa (USA). Various well-known figures from the international martial arts scene, mainly the American and European founding fathers of kickboxing, were members during the early years of the organization. In 1995 the name of the organization was finally changed after some disagreement among board members regarding policies towards other martial arts and martial arts organizations. The recognition of belt degrees was particularly controversial. One branch of the association decided to keep the name and organizational structure of the IFO and, in principle, did not recognize graduations that had been acquired with another organization. Every new member who joined the IFO was thus forced to start again at the beginner level, the white belt. Attempts were made to increasingly commercialize the entire association structure. In addition, the members were not allowed to participate in open championships of other associations. After this decision, however, the majority of the members decided to leave the IFO as a whole in order to found their own association, which recognizes graduations of other organizations on a broad basis if they correspond to the previous IFO standards.

In contrast to the new IFO policy, participation in open tournaments was promoted on a broad basis and to this day most members of the WFO are also members of other associations such as u. a. the WAKO or the WKA . Many WFO members take part in tournaments of these and other organizations and have been able to win various titles in different arts, especially in kickboxing, ju-jitsu, sambo and karate. In 1999 the competing IFO branch of the association was officially dissolved. There is a broad cooperation network with other associations.

The WFO is widely recognized and respected based on its consistently high quality standards. Its members are widely recognized martial artists and martial artists. Because of this and because of the always cooperative attitude of the international committee, they are free to participate in many different open championships of other organizations. In the spring of 2000, a close cooperation with the "Universal Kickboxing Promotion" was established, which is known for organizing high-quality kickboxing galas and championships in karate breakage tests . Due to the strong influence of British representatives and committee members on the board in the early 1990s, there are currently two valid and registered alternative spellings of the association name: World Full-Contact Organization and World Full-Contact Organization .

The current headquarters are in Key West ( USA ) with representatives in almost every country in the world. There are also continental representatives for North America , South America , Asia , Europe , Australia and Africa . The current international president of the association and chairman of the international committee is Professor A. Milec, 10th Dan Combat-Sambo ( Serbia ).