X apps

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The X-Apps are a series of desktop applications developed by Linux Mint . They are based on Gnome apps, but they will be adapted to new UI guidelines with regard to the Gnome Shell . With their spin-off, the Mint developers want to guarantee a traditional surface without losing existing functionalities. The applications should also work independently of distributions or certain desktop environments.

The X-Apps are based on GTK3 and use classic UI elements such as menu bars. Linux Mint 18 was the first Linux distribution to switch to the X apps.

task basis replacement Source code
Text editor pluma (gedit) Xed github.com/linuxmint/xed
Image viewer Eye of GNOME Xviewer github.com/linuxmint/xviewer
Document viewer Atril (Evince) Xreader github.com/linuxmint/xreader
Media player totem Xplayer github.com/linuxmint/xplayer
Image manager gThumb Pix github.com/linuxmint/pix

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b The first two X-Apps are ready , February 3, 2016
  2. a b New features in Linux Mint 18 MATE