The science network X-WiN is the successor to the gigabit science network G-WiN . The X-WiN is operated by the DFN-Verein and forms the national backbone of the German research network , which connects more than 700 German universities and research institutions. In addition to peering with other German networks, the X-WiN is also connected to the European research backbone GÉANT .
In 2016, the X-WiN has a multi-gigabit core network with a total of 70 locations, which are connected to each other over 10500 km of fiber optics, and offers the participants connection capacities of up to 2 times 100 gigabit / s. In the core area of the network, data rates of over 1,000 gigabit / s (1 terabit / s) are possible.
The change from G-WiN to X-WiN was completed in early 2006.
The main idea of the DFN is to rent entire optical fibers in such a way that the highest possible reliability for the network can be guaranteed. That is why the fibers are preferred to be rented by gas network operators, since particularly high safety standards apply to gas lines. This implicitly means that the fiber optic cables laid in parallel are also relatively safe from failures, for example due to environmental influences and vandalism.
Whenever possible, entire optical fibers are rented, so the available transmission frequencies can be used as required. Eight main locations (Erlangen, Frankfurt, Hanover, Berlin, Hamburg, Leipzig, Garching, Duisburg) are connected in a circle and form the super-core network. This super-core network is currently switched with bandwidths of 200 Gbit / s, which can be further increased if necessary.
Furthermore, the X-WiN consists of several fiber optic rings connected in a circle to the super-core network, each of which connects several core locations of the network to the super-core network with currently a maximum of 100 Gbit / s. The current topology of the network is recorded in.
Other locations such as smaller scientific and supply facilities can then be connected to the X-WiN via a core location.
Optical DWDM multiplex technology from the manufacturer ECI Telecom is used in the core network .
The task of the X-WiN is to connect the science centers in Germany with each other with high performance and to enable communication with other science networks as well as with the rest of the Internet.
This is done on the one hand by the DFNInternet service, with which every location is connected to the Internet. Very high bandwidths can be made available within the international research networks, such as the 18 Gbit / s measured in 2007 between a German X-WiN core location and a US research location.
There is also the option of having dedicated point-to-point connections between core locations. These then run outside of the normal Internet and can be used for tasks such as backups that require large bandwidths between two locations, or for VoIP services that require a high quality of service to the connection point of the PSTN .
The X-WiN is connected to external networks at the super-core locations. So GÉANT connected to the X-WiN via Frankfurt and Hamburg. The peering with other ISPs and content providers will be held on DE-CIX in Frankfurt / M. and Hamburg, at the ECIX in Düsseldorf and at the BCIX in Berlin.
In 2006, the X-WiN had an almost symmetrical data volume of 2.8 petabytes / month at the peering points, which at that time corresponded to a fifth of the peering traffic started at DE-CIX.
In May 2018, the data volume was 62 petabytes / month.
See also
- Jörg Auf dem Hövel: fiber optic network breaks all records . In: Computerwoche . September 1, 2006 ( aufdemhoevel.de ).
- Henry Kluge, Stefan Piger: Networks, balls, data streams - or how the World Cup got into X-WiN. In: DFN Mitteilungen Issue 95 | June 2019
Web link
- Information about the X-WiN at DFN
Individual evidence
- ↑ Petra Eitner: Glass fibers - the lifelines of the X-WiN . In: DFN-Verein (Hrsg.): DFN Mitteilungen . Issue 90, November 2016, ISSN 0177-6894 , p. 8-11 .
- ↑ Map of the X-WiN (as of 10/2018)
- ↑ Fiber topology of the X-WiN (PDF; 390 KiB); As of October 2018, accessed on April 4, 2019
- ↑ Press release DFN-Verein https://www.dfn.de/publikationen/pressemitteilungen/pressemitteilungen10/
- ↑ Own representation of the DFNInternet
- ↑ Throughput in the international research network
- ↑ 72. DFN newsletter
- ↑ News from the X-WiN 71st DFN operating conference | 09/24/2019
- ↑ DFN-Verein: Increased performance enables user community high-speed network connection of up to 200 Gbit / s. Retrieved on July 17, 2018 (German).
Information sheet of the DFN-Verein