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xCBL stands for X ML C ommon B usiness L ibrary and was developed in 1997 by the company Veo Systems under the name of CBL.

In January 1997 Commerce One took over Veo Systems and its CBL technology. While Veo Systems and CBL were still evaluating the applicability of XML for e-business applications, Commerce One found this technology to be the standard data exchange format for their e-commerce applications and e-marketplaces. xCBL was supposed to combine the advantages of XML with compatibility with classic EDI ( Electronic Data Interchange ). With the further development of the CBL technology to xCBL 2.0, the "x" in the name of the new format should also reflect the relationship to the XML standard. XCBL currently exists in version 4.0. A further development of the standard is questionable, however, since Commerce One had to file for bankruptcy in 2004 and in 2006 was partially sold to Novell and Perfect Commerce. Kansas-based Perfect Commerce Inc. now owns the intellectual property of the former Commerce One.

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