
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

XPde (abbreviation for XP Desktop Environment ) is a desktop environment that simulates the appearance of Windows XP and is intended to make it easier for beginners to switch to Linux . Although XPde is compatible with all common window managers, a corresponding window manager is provided with XPwm . The aim of the project is to simulate Windows XP in appearance and operation under Linux in order to shorten the familiarization time for Linux newcomers. XPde is published as free software under the GPL .

The desktop environment has been in version 0.5.1 since August 21, 2004.


Version 0.4

Version 0.4 was released in early September 2003 and included support for borderless windows and window focus. The calculator runs in scientific mode. The system properties have been adjusted and there is a device manager with automatic hardware detection. The "start" button is ready, and ergonomics and much more has been improved.

Version 0.5

In April 2004 came with version 0.5, among others, the universal support of alpha channels in PNG files, and the Icon -Satz Crystal SVG of KDE to. Redrawing the desktop was accelerated by realizing the desktop as an XPShellListView control .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Under what license will the project be released? on xpde.holobit.net