Yada'il Bayyin I. (Hadramaut)

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Yada'il Bayyin I. ( Old South Arabian yd''l byn ), son of Sumhuyafa ', was a King of Hadramaut . He ruled around or shortly after 350 BC. Chr.

Yada'il Bayin I. is known from two inscriptions. One of these, which has been preserved in triplicate, recalls the construction of a wall in Mayfa'at under Yada'il Bayin, son of Sumhuyafa and under Ilsama 'Dhubyan , son of Malikkarib, the two kings of Hadramaut . These two rulers ruled together, with Yada'il Bayin being mentioned first and therefore probably the older. The other inscription comes from Shabwa and tells of the construction of a building on behalf of Yada'il Bayyin.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Edition of the inscription: Répertoire d'Épigraphie sémitique , Tome VII, Paris 1936, no.3869
  2. Jacqueline Pirenne : Fouilles de Shabwa I. Les témoins écrits de la région de Shabwa et l'histoire Paris, 1990, p. 53, fig. 16; F. Bron: Notes sur les inscriptions de Shabwa , in: Syria , Tome 68, Paris 1991, p. 460; CSAI, no. ʿUqayba 3


  • KA Kitchen: Documentation for Ancient Arabia I, Liverpool 1994, p. 59. ISBN 0-85323-359-4