Yadi'ab Ghailan II

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Yadi'ab Ghailan II. ( Hadramitisch ydʿʾb ġyln ), son of Ghailan was a king of the Yemeni empire Hadramaut . He ruled perhaps in the second century AD.

Yadi'ab Ghailan II is known from three inscriptions. After the first he was an ally of 'Alhan Nahfan of Saba . Another inscription reports that he founded the fortified settlement dhu-Ghailam . This was in the area of ​​the empire of Qataban , which indicates that he ruled after the fall of this empire, i.e. after 160 AD.


  • Kenneth A. Kitchen : Documentation for Ancient Arabia, Vol. 1: Chronological framework & historical sources (The world of ancient Arbia Series; Vol. 1). University Press, Liverpool 1994, ISBN 0-85323-359-4 , pp. 35 and 224.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Albert Jamme: Hadrami texts from Khor Rori , in: Miscellanées d'ancient arabe IX, Washington 1979, p. 100, pl. k; cited as Yes 2888