Yoga of Silence

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Yoga of Silence is knowledge-oriented and related in content to the philosophy of non-duality . The yoga of silence was founded and established by the neo-advaita master Madhukar .

No physical or mental exercises are practiced in the Yoga of Silence. The western branch of Jnana Yoga (the “yoga of knowledge”) aims at direct self-knowledge . In these traditions, “ silence ” stands for the timeless, eternal. The reason for being in which everything arises and disappears again.

Yoga of Silence is about aligning yourself with this silence in order to become “one” with it. That means getting calmer inside yourself. The experience of silence is not to be understood as a temporary meditative immersion. Rather, it is about being absorbed in limitless awareness . The resulting self-perception is the basis for more serenity and joie de vivre.

“The silence is the most powerful force in the universe. Through them we can give up the importance of our own person and recognize our freedom. ” (Madhukar, Weimarer Visionen 10/2009).

Yoga of Silence takes place publicly as a day event or in multi-day retreats (English for "inner contemplation").

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  1. (PDF; 75 kB)