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Madhukar (February 2006)

Madhukar ( Sanskrit for literally 'lover, sweet as honey'; born November 4, 1957 in Stuttgart ) is a Neo-Advaita master, author and founder of the Yoga of Silence .


Madhukar, whose real name is Bernd Merkle, grew up in his native Stuttgart. He studied economics and philosophy. After graduating, he worked as a TV journalist.

In the early 1980s, Madhukar traveled through Asia for several years. According to his own account, he experienced Kundalini enlightenment there. As a student of the Tantric Buddhist Dzogchen master Namkhai Norbu , he established himself as a yoga and meditation teacher.

In 1992, during a stay in India, he met his master HWL Poonja , a disciple of the well-known sage Ramana Maharshi . Sri Poonja, also known as Papaji , is one of the most famous representatives of Advaita. Advaita Vedanta is the mystical direction of Hinduism and a monistic philosophy that goes back to Shankara (788-820) in its origins .

Since 1997 Madhukar has been passing on his knowledge in worldwide events and retreats , traditionally called Satsang (from Sat 'truth' and Sangha 'community'). The visitors have the opportunity to clarify questions in a dialogue with Madhukar. Central is the self-founding ( Atma Vichara ) with the question: “Who am I?”. This kind of self-knowledge should lead to inner peace and lasting happiness.

Philosophical key messages

According to Madhukar, people mistakenly believe in a real self , in freedom of action and the existence of an objective world. However, this perception is limited. In reality, every living being is pure consciousness in which the world is subjectively represented. With the question “Who am I?” The perceived, limited reality can be questioned and pure consciousness (in this teaching the self ) can be experienced. The unequivocal identification with the self is absolute freedom, all-embracing love and quiet happiness.

In addition, Madhukar sees a close connection between spirituality and the knowledge of modern science .

Works (selection)


  • Bittrich, D./Salvesen, C .: The enlightened are coming. Goldmann Arkana, 2002, ISBN 3-442-21612-5
  • Salvesen, Christian: Advaita: About the happiness of being one with yourself and the world. OW Barth, 2003, ISBN 978-3-502-67500-6
  • Interview with Madhukar: Servants of Truth, in: One Spirit, 2003
  • Interview with Madhukar: Eins - Leben mit Advaita, in: Esotera 05/04
  • Interview with Madhukar: I have no teaching, in: Esotera 07/2004
  • Sura, TM / circulation DW: flowers of awakening, One Spirit Publishing, 1st edition 2004, ISBN 3-9809396-0-X
  • Rieder, Christian: The New Enlightened, in: Cause & Effect, 2006
  • Interview with Madhukar: Do nothing and be happy, in: Yoga Aktuell 39 - 04/2006
  • Dafna Moscati, Marco Mazzotti: Il Fiore del Nirvana. Macrolibrarsi, documentary, Italy 2007
  • It's always now, in: Vital 12/2009
  • Interview with Madhukar Part 1: Everyone is limitless,, Vienna 2010
  • Interview with Madhukar part 2: Everyone is limitless,, Vienna 2010
  • Dietrich, Michael: Silence with Madhukar, in: Yoga Aktuell 71 - 06/2011

Web links