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Academic Video Search
Video portal
editorial staff Jörg Waitelonis
and Harald Sack
Registration only
necessary for comments and social tagging
On-line March 2008

Yovisto is a video portal that specializes in the provision, search and management of academic video and lecture recordings . A kind of “ YouTube for academics”.

Yovisto offers its users the option not only of managing video data (and, for example , publishing it as a video podcast ), but also of working interactively with the video data.

Videos can be discussed, tagged and content searched. In particular, the possibility of a content-based search in the video data becomes indispensable for longer video recordings (e.g. lecture recordings) and especially when taking into account their steadily growing number. This content-based search function distinguishes Yovisto from other video portals . Bookmarks can be set and saved anywhere in the video data.

Keywords ( tags ) can be attached to any position within a video and made visible to other users by both the video owners and all other users through "social tagging" . With the help of a personalized search function, marked positions in video data can be found with just a few clicks.

Lecturers can use "social tagging" to draw the students' attention to important aspects within the lecture recording (e.g. sections relevant to the examination, further explanations, references, etc.) or to highlight sections in the video data that are particularly worth discussing. At Yovisto, discussions can also be started and continued at any point within a video. The discussion or the respective comments are linked directly to a specific point in the video recording - selected by the users - and can therefore be called up again at any time.


Yovisto emerged from the start-up project "OSOTIS - Search in multimedia data" at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena, which was funded by the BMWi / ESF . The project is currently being continued by the Semantic Web research group at the Hasso Plattner Institute in Potsdam with the aim of establishing Yovisto as a semantic video search engine .

Yovisto's content-based search technology has been incorporated into the Replay developed at ETH Zurich and the Opencast Matterhorn project .

Yovisto was nominated for the World Summit Award Germany 2009 and is one of the "best German e-content and e-service offers" in the field of e-learning & education.

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  1. G. Matthias J. Waitelonis, H. Sack: Quality Improvement of University seminar through Enhanced podcasts on yovisto.com. In: S. Hambach, A. Martens, B. Urban (Eds.): Proc. of E-Learning Baltics (eLBa 2008). June 17-19, Rostock, Germany 2008. Fraunhofer-IRB-Verl., Stuttgart 2008, ISBN 978-3-8167-7781-6 , pp. 189-200.
  2. J. Waitelonis, H. Sack, Ch. Meinel: Time-related collaborative annotation to improve content-based video search. In: Birgit Gaiser, Thorsten Hampel, Stefanie Panke (eds.): Good Tags and Bad Tags - Workshop “Social Tagging in Knowledge Organization” . Waxmann, 2008, ISBN 978-3-8309-2039-7 , pp. 107-117.
  3. H. Sack, J. Waitelonis: OSOTIS - collaborative, content-based video search . In: Proc. of 5th e-Learning Symposium Computer Science, DeLFI 2007. Siegen, Lecture Notes in Informatics, P-111. Köllen, Bonn 2007, pp. 281–292.
  4. World Summit Award Germany 2009 ( Memento from April 17, 2010 in the Internet Archive )