Glaser's annals

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ZEVrail - Glaser's Annals

Area of ​​Expertise Railway system
language German
publishing company Georg Siemens Verlag
First edition 1877
Frequency of publication per month
Editor-in-chief Peter Albrecht
editor Hans-Peter Lang, Olaf Naujoks, Christian Schindler, Peter Veit
executive Director André Plambeck
Web link
ZDB 2072587-5

The magazine ZEVrail - Glasers Annalen deals with the technical development of railways and transport. It has been the organ of the Deutsche Maschinentechnische Gesellschaft (DMG) since it was founded in 1881.

The magazine appeared for the first time in 1877 under the title "Annalen für Gewerbe und Bauwesen" by Seydel Verlag in Berlin. Friedrich Carl Glaser was the founder and publisher of the monthly magazine . In 1922, ten years after Glaser's death, the "Annals" were published under the title "Glasers Annalen, ZEV, Zeitschrift für Eisenbahnwesen und Verkehrstechnik" in the Georg Siemens Verlag and increasingly became the most important rail technology publication. For example, the standardization debate of the 1920s is echoed here with the supplement German Standards Committee / Technical Standards Committee Locomotive, the “Lona News”.

"Glaser's Annals" were merged with the " Organ for the Progress of the Railway System" in April 1943 and stopped publication at the end of 1944 due to the war. From 1947 the "Annalen" appeared again. Between 1972 and 2001 the magazine was published under the title "Glasers Annalen - Zeitschrift für Eisenbahnwesen und Verkehrstechnik", today it is called "ZEVrail - Zeitschrift für das Gesamtsystem Bahn".

Web links