Zeitgeist (software)

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Zeitgeist framework logo.svg
Screenshot-Gnome Zeitgeist-2.png
Basic data

developer Zeitgeist project team
Current  version 1.0.2
(January 31, 2019)
operating system Linux
programming language Vala (formerly Python )
category statistics
License GNU Lesser General Public License v3

Zeitgeist is a utility that records a computer user's activities and events on a computer. These activities and events can e.g. This could be, for example, opening a file, visiting a website or having a conversation with instant messaging programs. Zeitgeist makes this collected information available to other programs in the form of time history and statistics. The utility program makes it possible to derive relationships between the recorded objects and to determine usage patterns with the help of computer algorithms such as "Winepi" and "A priori".

The Zeitgeist software is the main data source for programs such as GNOME Activity Journal and Ubuntu Unity , which as front ends to Zeitgeist are currently developing into important management and display tools for activities in the GNOME desktop environment.


  • Zeitgeist can currently log file access, Internet activities as well as chat and e-mail conversations.
  • With the help of front ends , the user can use the recorded and evaluated information from Zeitgeist to search for related files and other information (e-mail contacts, Internet addresses, etc.).
  • Zeitgeist receives its data through communication with other programs (e.g. web browser, e-mail client, etc.); plugins for these programs are a prerequisite for this.
  • Zeitgeist enables general access to all programs using the DBus API.
  • Zeitgeist shows which objects the user uses most often, not only in general, but also with a temporal reference as in “Which files were the most relevant for me during the last 4 months on Project X?”.
  • The use of machine learning algorithms enables Zeitgeist to show usage habits and relationships between the logged objects.
  • About extensions (English extensions ) to record activities outside the office can use, such as done by geographic location information.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://zeitgeist-project.com/team/
  2. https://git.launchpad.net/zeitgeist/commit/?id=f6394278664b19210823d27e9c04d363f38bd33d